Friday 12 March 2010

Greeks Bear the Brunt

For those of you who dont understand what is written on the notice on the street, it writes "The struggle in the hands of the labourer". This clearly indicates the general feeling Greeks have ever since the newly elected left wing party, P.A.S.O.K, announced its actions taken to restore an unacceptable budget deficit of 12% of GDP (well above the 3% limit of the EU). P.A.S.O.K announced that taxes will rise on consumer goods such as petrol, cigarettes and alcohol; pentioners incomes will be lowered; civil servants salaries would be cut and other government expansionary activities will be recalculated. Now the average man on the street, the helpless labourer, trying to make a living, trying to make a life, is the one to pay for these years of government mismanagement, fraud and irresponsibility.

The argument, however, should no longer be political as no party has proven to be fit enough to deal with such issues. Greece is now dealing with an ethical issue on a huge scale.

Looking at it from an economics point of view: could this new policy be a saviour for Greece in the long run? Or was it just a quick response to Europes constant pressure (and rightly so) which keeps them smiling and Greece still under their umbrella?


  1. My point is that government is there for themselves and not for the people. They get voted on a promise that they will create jobs and instead of making it easier for small businesses, hiring people, but also getting rid of them if they don't perform, they employ them in government jobs. Now they can control people more and get voted again. In the mean time they make money out of tenders and ventures and the people remain poor.

  2. Boo hoo the poor Greeks- no longer able to retire on full salary at age 50- my heart bleeds for them! God forbid they have to work like the rest of the world- Give me a break!

  3. nice job steve!!!!

  4. To Anonymous Boo hoo....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? The issue at hand is not about internal sovereign economics. It's about the central bankers and corporations who have partnered to bilk the public. Look at Argentina, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Ecuador, Spain, Ireland, on and on and on. Why don't you hit the books idiot. You need to know what you're talking about before you rip in before others rip you a new one.

  5. Please, HELLAS, default on the debt! Circulate the Drahmae. These crooks have stolen your pensions by collaterizing them against worthless Swaps/Derivatives! Get out NOW! Collapse the crooked anti-social psycopaths in the City of London and Israel! With a devalued drahmae, your tourism and exports will BEAT THE PANTS off of all your competitors including Germany! And you will rise up within a couple of years!
